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Ahmad Mosbah Bizri Center for Children with Special Needs
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The Center for Children with Special Needs at Orphan Welfare Organization (OWO) aims to develop and promote the abilities of persons with mental challenges through a specialized program that helps them meet their educational and social needs to become self-dependent and autonomous.


-Up to 120 children and young adults, from 3 to 24 years old.


  • Ensure an integrated program that works on the rehabilitation of students in various fields: educational, social, physical, technical, and vocational.
  • Work on the rehabilitation of children in daily life skills to achieve self-dependence and autonomy.
  • Work to consolidate relations between children with special needs and society and help place them within a social and professional network.
  • Guide students professionally based on their tendencies and skills and develop their capacities to the highest possible level to achieve their financial independence.



  • Diagnose and provide a comprehensive evaluation of every student’s case.
  • Determine individual pedagogical plans.
  • Provide multi-disciplinary supportive treatments (speech and language therapy, psychomotor therapy, and psychotherapy).
  • Train on rhythmic and kinetic programs (drawing, music, and sport).
  • Provide welfare and rehabilitation services, also familial and social guidance.
  • Offer diverse vocational training.
  • Network with public organizations to ensure job opportunities.


Ahmed Misbah Al-Bizri’s center aims to help people with special needs.

They train and rehabilitate children who suffer from mild, moderate and severe intellectual disabilities through many professional programs “educational, psychological, social, vocational, and health,”

An inclusive treatment service that saves the parents expenses with less effort, in addition to its importance in rehabilitating people with special needs to integrate into society and benefit from them according to their capabilities.

The center provides knowledge, treatment and rehabilitative services in the early stages of the child to pass through several cycles that allow them to face life’s challenges independently, cognitively, socially and economically.”

Also, it has a main role in showing children's artistic and sport talents, especially within the vocational training program, which helps highlight their skills and develop their abilities in many areas. Furthermore, the center is able to provide many suitable job opportunities for them within some companies and institutions, which help to raise the society's awareness of intellectual disability so they welcome them in to a larger community.