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Ahmad Riad Jawhari Center for Autism
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The Center for Children with Autism at Orphan Welfare Organization (OWO) aims to help children with autism to adapt to life and society by using up-to-date methods and specialized programs. In addition, the center designs individual plans that contribute to the development of skills and behaviors of those experiencing autism.


-Up to 60 children from the age of 3 to 12 years old.


  • Work on the early detection of autism and the determination of correct diagnosis.
  • Follow specialized individual plans that help provide the best and most unique services.
  • Use specialized programs relevant to the abilities of every child and work on developing such capabilities.
  • Work on the adjustment of the student's behaviors.
  • Follow up on children's and parents' psychological matters.
  • Integrate children who show potential capabilities into mainstream schools. 



  • Run a broad diagnostic assessment and evaluation for all applicants.
  • Provide individualized academic and therapeutic services specific to each student.
  • Offer skills development, including early intervention and rehabilitation classes.
  • Monitor every child's development through continuous follow-up and evaluation.  
  • Provide social and psychological support to the students and their parents.
  • Conduct one-on-one multi-disciplinary therapy sessions for all students.  
  • Raise awareness and offer guidance and training on related matters to parents.


The Ahmed Riad Al-Johari Autism Center was established in 2017. The main objective of its
establishment was to serve children with autism in the Sidon and South region, due to the urgent
need that emerged in the community and after the increasing number of these children. The
center accommodates about 60 children from the age of 3 to 12 years, and the mission of the
center is to provide educational and rehabilitative services for each child according to his special
needs in addition to treatments (speech therapy - psychomotor - psychosocial support) and early
intervention, our vision from our conviction of the right of every child By engaging in society as
an individual and part of it, in addition to working on this category for integration within
academic, vocational and university schools.